Normal Distribution The Normal Distribution is member of parameters mean and variance
it has a probability density function g(x;mean,variance) ==> k exp(1)((-1/(2variance))((x-mu)2))*
the shape of the curve is determined by exp(1)((-1/(2variance))((x-mu)2)) and k is the constant to make this equation probabaility density function.
*k only changes the area under curve not the basic shape
k (constant) is calculated by 1/sqrt(2 pi * sd(x))
so lets create probability density function for normal distribution
variance = var(x)
st_dev = sd(x)
mu = mean(x)
k = 1 / sqrt(2*pi*st_dev)
normf <- k * exp(1)^((-1/(2*variance))*((x-mu)^2))
print(paste("k is : " ,k))
lets create a variable that ranges between -4 and 4
x <- seq(-4, 4, length = 21)
plot probability densities for normal distribution for our vector
plot(x,norm_dist(x),type="b",col="blue",main = paste("Normal Distribution"),ylab="density")
## [1] "k is : 0.25322984419456"
Thanks: Hincal Topcuoglu